Saturday, October 1, 2011

You Guys Left!

Where the hell have you guys been? Here I am busting my ass to blog once a week, and you guys don't read it since June 19th! Wait a minute... Oh.

Okay, so I've been on hiatus. I had a girlfriend and jobs. Now I have neither. I do, however, have university-level schoolwork, and will possibly be getting a job in the near future. So I can't guarantee there won't be further hiati. For the moment however, I'm back! And depressed! (Trust me, this is good for you guys.)

As you may have gathered, my girlfriend and I broke up. We dated for 6 months. Now you might be thinking, Oh, they dated for about half a year. That rough, general region. But alas, I say 6 months because she told me it was time to end it on our 6-month anniversary. Oh, yes. That was a fun celebration.

Now, it's hard for me to say that she "dumped" me, because that conjures an image of a girl who has just had enough of her relationship with her boyfriend, and has to tell him she doesn't love him, and that they should see other people, etc. Mine was more like "Yeah, I think we should break all communication because I like you a lot."

Maybe this needs more explanation. I moved away to college a couple weeks ago, and for the larger part of our relationship, the plan was to break off communication when I moved, so we could get over each other, and move on, and then get back in contact and be friends. Sounds awesome, right? Nooo way that plan would ever get muddled or backfire...

So we fall in love (Can you see where this is going?). She decides there's no real reason for us to break all communication immediately. After all, we could just try to let it taper off, wait for it to naturally come to a close. I said something like, "Okay. Sex now?" (She's laughing right now, because she knows I actually requested video games). So I move. We keep talking. For all intents and purposes, we're still together long distance. We still love each other, we're still being faithful, we're still being couply. After a little bit, she starts talking about maybe moving up. After all, she hasn't experienced other cities, and she really loves me and thinks we've got a good thing going. But there's a lot to give up with moving, so she's undecided. Still, my hopes get nice and raised (not-so-subtle foreshadowing) at the prospect of continuing my relationship with her. About a week after I've moved, I get offered a ride back home to go to a party. I accept of course, and my girlfriend is excited to see me. I get back, we spend basically the whole weekend together. Saturday night is the party.

It's badass. Live band, great DJ, dancing, drinking, having some fun. My girlfriend is there, and we're dancing and laughing and drinking and dancing and crying... Wait, what? I take her to a private room, and she tells me she's not moving, and the implication is that she's leaving me. I'm a bit in shock, so I don't say anything. I console her for a bit, and take her back out when she decides she wants to enjoy the hell out of the rest of our last weekend together.

She drinks.

A lot.

Now I'm taking care of her in the bathroom, where she's trying to induce vomiting to purge what alcohol is yet to be introduced into her system (She failed at this). She tells me she's not done with me, and that I need to come back down soon so we can have a proper weekend together. I agree, naturally. I take care of her as much as I can the next day. She is really hungover. We have sex anyway. I have to leave in the afternoon. I feel like we have unfinished business, but at least we'll have one more weekend to really tie it all up.

Next day is Monday. She calls and tells me she can't deal with the emotional roller coaster of seeing me only once every 2-4 weeks. Says it would be better if we cut off communication and tried to get over each other. First conversation like Saturday night. In a bit of shock. Later, depression jumps out from behind a wall, wrestles me to the floor, and farts in my face. Two days of crying, and I still can't completely resist the urge to talk to her and find out where her head is at.

So, I think that was more depressing than funny. Watch Pan's Labyrinth, then read it again. It will be positively cheerful.

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