Saturday, April 2, 2011

3 WEIRD Things You Can Say That Will Make Beautiful Women Interested in You

1) "Hey, what's your name?"
2) "How are you?"
3) "Would you be interested in going out sometime?"
Odds are, you're the first person to work up the nerve to ask her in quite awhile. WEIRD, RIGHT?

Believe it or not, talking to her will not result in death... Probably.

I made a picture with a caption. I feel like a real blogger now. But I'm getting off-topic

Okay, so saying the three things at the top won't GUARANTEE a date or even make it likely. But it will still shoot your chances way up from where they are without talking to women.

It's sad how frequently men (including myself) are so afraid of not being good enough that they simply won't talk to a girl that they want to. The problem is not that they don't realize that they ARE good enough, because in all likelihood they aren't. But does this really matter? What do we lose by being rejected? Pride? If you're worried that affirming that not every woman is into you will hurt your pride, you are suffering from serious delusions of perfection. Nobody is perfect, and no man, no matter what they say, is wanted by every woman. The point is to try until you find someone who is interested (or merciful) enough to say yes.

At this point, you may be psychically examining my life and saying, "But, Morty, you yourself have only asked one girl out on a date in the last year."

Yeah, but... shut up.

P.S. I now realize that all 5 of my followers are women. I probably should have thought this through better.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Morty,

    I appreciate your advice on talking to women. I have this problem all the time. Because I am totally a man. And I am always scared to talk to women because they (especially short, blonde ones that pretend to be dinosaurs) are so freaking awesome. But now I think I will talk to women and increase my life's happiness. Thank you!

    -Totally a dude.

    P.S. I actually like this post, I wish more people could see it. Good job. I should write a similar one for women folk about asking boys out. Because I totally did that once. And even though it didn't turn out well, I am still super proud of myself that I did it and have the confidence that I could do it again if such a situation arose. Hmm... rather than doing a post about it, I pretty much just put it here. XD Good times. Okay. Bye.
